Save the Date for our 80th Anniversary!

Today, 80 years ago on this day – May 28, 1944 – the opening ceremonies for what was to become our Polish American Congress began in Buffalo, New York.

Over 2,600 people, representing various Polish groups and organizations traveled to Buffalo – just days before the Normandy Invasion. It was a time when the outcome of WW II remained in doubt.

The meetings took place over a four day period: May 28-June 1. At the opening session held in the City of Buffalo Municipal Auditorium, over 15,000 people were present.

As a result of this gathering, the Polish American Congress (PAC) was established.

The express purpose of the PAC was to fight for a free and sovereign Poland. 

Unfortunately, following the end of World War II, Poland shed its brutal occupation by Nazi Germany only to be subjected to Communist rule until free elections were held in 1989.

Throughout this period, and afterwards, the PAC has always been a strong voice and advocate for Poland and its people. 

Following the end of WW II, the PAC sent hundreds of millions of dollars in humanitarian aid to help the Polish people. During Solidarity, the PAC was a strong supporter of the Polish people to gain their freedom. The PAC rejoiced upon the naming of John Paul II as Pope. The PAC was an extremely strong voice in gaining support for Poland joining NATO 25 years ago. Two years ago, the PAC held a successful “Polonia for Ukraine” Radiothon which sent tens of thousands of dollars to both Ukraine and Poland to assist in relief efforts following the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Most recently, the PAC has consistently communicated with Congress to continue its support for Ukraine, NATO, and Poland.

The PAC continues its efforts to be the umbrella organization for the nearly ten million Americans of Polish descent. 

As we celebrate the 80th Anniversary of the founding of the PAC in Buffalo – May 28-June 1, 1944 – let us pledge to honor all those who helped establish this great organization by continuing our efforts to promote the history, culture, traditions, and language of our proud Polish heritage.

Dr. Mark Pienkos 
National First Vice President 
Polish American Congress

Celebration of the 80th Anniversary of the Polish American Congress will take place in Chicago, Illinois at the O’Hare Tech Center on Sunday, October 13th during the annual Council of National Directors Meeting.  The meeting will be held October 12, 2024.

More information to follow.

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