Why We Remember November 11

Wednesday November 11 marks two great anniversaries and two national days of remembrance. What is more, they are very closely connected to one another. On November 11, 1918 World War I ended with an ‘armistice’ or cease fire between the armies of Germany, France,...


The letter below was delivered to officials of the Democrat National Committee and to the Biden for President Campaign. Request that Vice-President Biden Apologize Dear Vice-President Biden,  At your October 15, 2020 Town Hall you wrongly said that Poland is a...

Statement by President of PAC on 3SI

Szanowna Pani Olga Sowińska Kongres 60 Milionów Szanowna Pani, Jeszcze raz serdecznie dziękuję za zaproszenie mnie do udziału w panelu dyskusyjnym podczas Kongresu 60 Milionów w Rzeszowie zaplanowanego na październik 2020 r. Wyrażam żal, że nie będę na tym ważnym...