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Oświadczenie Kongresu Polonii Amerykańskiej w Kwestii Pomnika Katyńskiego w New Jersey
Kongres Polonii Amerykańskiej Pomnik Katyński — Jersey City, NJ Oświadczenie W 1991 roku w Exchange Place w Jersey City w stanie New Jersey odsłonięto pomnik upamiętniający ofiary zbrodni katyńskiej, dokonanej przez Związek Radziecki w 1940...
Statement on Katyń Memorial in Jersey City, NJ
In 1991, a memorial was unveiled in Exchange Place in Jersey City, N.J., to commemorate the victims of the Katyn Massacre by the Soviet Union in 1940. The Katyń Memorial is a 34-foot-tall bronze statue created by Polish...
Polish American Congress in Action.
At City Hall, on August 4, 2022, Polish American Congress President Frank J. Spula wished the Honorable Lori E. Lightfoot, Mayor of Chicago, a Happy 60th Birthday. Congressman Danny K. Davis (D-7IL), a strong supporter of Polish American causes, participated in the...
78th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.
By Małgorzata Margo Schulz Today, Poles and all who value freedom from totalitarian oppression commemorate the 78th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. This heroic struggle lasted for two months and was the largest battle fought in any German occupied country by...
Polish American Congress Supporsts Black Sea Security Act of 2022.
Polish American Congress Supports Black Sea Security Act of 2022 The Polish American Congress (PAC) strongly supports the recent bi-partisan Black Sea Security Act of 2022 introduced by Senators Mitt Romney (R-UT) and Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), which...
Katyn Monument is about More Than Katyn
By Dr. Lucja Cannon Recent struggles over historical monuments, such as Civil War generals or Christopher Columbus, remind us of the importance of history. But no monuments related to World War II were challenged, except one: the Katyn Massacre...
Ambasador Mark Brzezinski w wywiadzie dla “Dziennika Związkowego” i radia WPNA FM.
Today we celebrate Independence Day.
Independence Day in the USA - Today, we celebrate the independence of our great nation and remember all the challenges it faced and conquered. On the 4th of July, our Founding Fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence, declaring our freedom from the British Empire...
Reconnecting with Polish heritage on the Independence Day .
A Polish “Miasteczko” in America, “Little Poland” in New Britain, Connecticut - traveling during the 4th of July weekend. By Małgorzata Margo Schulz It is an American tradition to travel the long weekends, like...
CEEC Statement in Advance of NATO Summit