Specifically Directed to PAC Divisions in CA, FL, IL, MA, MO, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, and WI, as well as TX which aspires for PAC Division membership, all of whom have Congressmen/women on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs,
(and all Congressmen/women in our PAC states not sitting on the
Foreign Affairs Committee should be included)
for Calling Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee and others representing
our PAC Division States in the United States House of Representatives
115th United States Congress (January 3, 2018 – December 31, 2018)
which is now considering the merits of
H. R. 1226, Justice for Uncompensated Survivors Today (JUST) Act of 2017
and reminding them, in a clearly-spoken, unhurried pace, by reading the following statement concerning this “action alert” to the person answering the phone, and following its completion, asking that it be brought to the attention of your Congressman/woman:
“I am (fill in your name and residential address), a Polish American voting constituent of Congressman/woman (fill in his or her name here) who sits on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. It is of great importance to me that the Congressman/woman is cognizant of the fact that Poland had been unquestionably the designated victim of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union’s mutually-planned military invasion and aggression, brutal dehumanization, unprecedented mass murder and extermination, and massive destruction of property from September 1, 1939 and throughout World War II, and as such, should not and cannot be treated as a villain in the matter of restoration of or compensation for property confiscated by forcibly-imposed external regimes during the period from 1939 to 1989. Therefore, it is of great importance to me that H. R. 1226 must not apply to Poland, and that my ancestral country not be subject to surveillance by the State Department’s Office of Holocaust Issues for compliance with the Prague Conference’s Terezin Declaration of 2009. Please inform Congressman/woman (fill in his or her name here) that I and his/her other Polish American constituents will appreciate and remember his/her support in the matter of H.R.1226 when we vote for his/her re-election. Thank you.”
Click here for list of Representatives on the House Foreign Relations Committee.
The top row lists the leadership; subsequent rows are ordered by state and district, to make it easier to find your Representative. Representatives from states with PAC Divisions are listed in dark red.
For information on how to contact your Representative not on the Foreign Relations Committee, click here.