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The Polish American Congress Statement — Commemoration of the 84th anniversary of German invasion of Poland and the start of WWII.
The Polish American Congress Statement — Commemoration of the 84th anniversary of German invasion of Poland and the start of WWII. Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany on September 1st 1939. The Polish military fought valiantly against the German...
Oświadczenie KPA z okazji upamiętnienia 84. rocznicy niemieckiej inwazji na Polskę.
Oświadczenie — Z okazji upamiętnienie 84. rocznicy niemieckiej inwazji na Polskę i rozpoczęcia II wojny światowej. Polska została zaatakowana przez Niemcy 1 września 1939 roku. Wojsko polskie dzielnie walczyło z niemiecką inwazją. Bitwa o Westerplatte i...
Rep. Smith urges US Government to support Poland’s call for discussions with Germany on World War II losses
US Rep. Chris Smith, Chair of the United States congressional Global Human Rights subcommittee and the Co-Chairman of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission and of the Congressional Poland Caucus, urges the US government to support Poland’s call for discussions with...
West Point Academy Historical Opening of Time Capsule.
On Monday, August 28, 2023 at 10:30 a.m., there will be a private ceremony involving a limited number of invited guests for the historical occasion of opening the referenced Time Capsule Box by the Superintendent of the Academy and his staff. The link to the live...
15 sierpnia wspominamy zwycięstwo polskiej armii nad bolszewikami, w 1920 roku. Plan bitwy, która rozpoczęła się 13 sierpnia powstał na podstawie koncepcji Marszałka Józefa Piłsudskiego, a szczegóły opracowali szef sztabu generalnego generał Tadeusz Rozwadowski,...
The Polish American Congress will lead national Polonia action to inform and educate politicians about Warsaw Uprising history and losses sustained by Poland during the WWII.
Memo: Polonia commemorates Warsaw Uprising To National Directors and Division...
Today is 79. Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising.
Today, we commemorate all the brave men and women who stood up against the terror of the German occupation during the Warsaw Uprising, on August 1st, 1944. On this day, 79 years ago at 5 pm local time, on “W” hour, Poland Home Army (Armia Krajowa), started The Warsaw...
The funeral Mass for veteran Andrzej Stefański, was celebrated in the Sanctuary of Saint John Paul II at the Parish of Our Lady of the Bright Mount in Los Angeles.
In Los Angeles, at the funeral of Polish Home Army soldier Andrzej Stefański, government representatives of the Republic of Poland offered official condolences on behalf of a grateful nation for the service of this Polish Freedom Fighter. The funeral Mass for this...
Annual Kosciuszko Conference Day at United States Military Academy at West Point.
Professor Anthony J. Bajdek, former National Vice President for American Affairs of the Polish American Congress organized, 2023 Kosciuszko Conference on May 5th and Kosciuszko Memorial Ceremony on May 6th, at United States Military Academy at West Point....
Pogrzeb weterana na Zachodnim Wybrzeżu USA.
W Los Angeles, w polskiej parafii Matki Boskiej Jasnogórskiej, w Sanktuarium Świętego Jana Pawła II się pogrzeb weterana, żołnierza II Wojny Światowej Andrzeja Stefańskiego . Andrzej Stefański urodzony 10 października 1925 roku, zmarł 19 czerwca 2023 roku.Jego...