To ensure justice for our loyal NATO ally Poland, I request, as POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS Vice-President for American Affairs, that you telephone the District Office of your member of the House of Representatives over the remaining days of the Spring Congressional Recess, April 6, 7, and 9, on the matter of Poland not being included in H.R.1226. Congress reconvenes on Tuesday, April 10.

Staffers at Congressional Offices, whether in Washington, DC, or in the members’ Districts, keep a log of telephone calls from CONSTITUENTS, who call to register their support, or opposition, to legislation under consideration by Congress. A bill, House of Representatives Resolution 1226 (H.R. 1226), which is most unfair to Poland, is now under consideration by the United States House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee. This Committee should NOT give a favorable report to this bill if it includes Poland. You can make this happen by telephoning the District Office of your member of the House of Representatives without delay.

After identifying yourself as a constituent of Congressman/Congresswoman __________, and stating your name and place of residence to the staffer who answers the telephone, please deliver the following message in an unhurried pace to be brought to the attention of your member of the House of Representatives:

“I want to prevent the unfair treatment of Poland in the matter of compensation payments for Holocaust Era assets, and especially private property. If enacted, House of Representatives Resolution 1226, the House version of the JUST ACT OF 2017, would subject Poland, an important NATO ally, to most unjust treatment by the United States Government. This is why I ask Congressman/Congresswoman __________________ to encourage members of the House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee NOT TO INCLUDE POLAND IN H.R. 1226, the reasons for excluding Poland from this bill are explained in Polish American Congress President Frank J. Spula’s letter of January 4, 2018 to Chairman Ed Royce. This important letter is now a Statement of Record in the papers of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. I respectfully ask that Congressman/Congresswoman_______________ read President Spula’s letter. Consequently, if H.R.1226 should come to the floor of the full House of Representatives without an amendment to provide for the exclusion of Poland from this bill, I request a vote by Roll Call, so I may know whether to support the re-election of Congressman/Congresswoman _________________on Election Day, Tuesday November 6, 2018. Thank you.”

After having delivered this message to the District Office of your member of the House of Representatives, please send an email to so the POLISH AMERICAN CONGRESS’S National Office in Washington, DC may know that you have done so. This will help the National Office to follow through on Capitol Hill to get fair play for Poland from Congress. If you don’t have email, send a handwritten or word-processed note to Ms. Klara Wisniewska, National Office Administrator, Polish American Congress, 1612 K Street, Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20006.

Your telephone call to your member of the House of Representatives is very important. Let’s take action now, to ensure fair treatment for Poland when Congress reconvenes on April 10.

Thank you for your support in this crucial endeavor to ensure justice for Poland.

Cordially yours,
Anthony J. Bajdek

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